Sunday, July 5, 2015

The struggle is real...

Personally, I hate tic-tac-toe with an utter and complete passion as I never win. Therefore, when Dominic said that the game was to be inspired by factors of tic-tac-toe, I was relatively relieved as it made the game more open ended. I took the factors of convenience and simplicity of the game and tried to make something a little different.

I am doing a drawing game because I felt that that was something that most people enjoy, at least something that I enjoyed. The objective of the game is to draw an assigned picture but the rules are is that there are three people, one a judge, and two people drawing. The judge will assign a limit of strokes and the subject of what the person should draw. But the twist is that they will be drawing on the same doodle, and they will have different subjects. So at the end, the judge will determine who was able to achieve their assigned drawing. I feel that this is a relatively simple game that can be fun due to the competitive aspect of it, and being a pen and paper game, it's easy access and low commitment.

I think this could potentially be a good game. It's simple enough to understand, but may be difficult to explain to the other players.

I originally wanted to do a game that incorporated something with social observation (similar to clue) where you're watching others and trying to make guesses along the way, but that isn't exactly simple to explain.

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