Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Making Tic-Tac-Toe more interactive

While redesigning the game board and game materials can be an interesting concept to think about, I am led to believe that this is more futile attempt in the context of actually making Tic-Tac-Toe more fun. Pencil and paper is fine for what I want to accomplish. What I see in redesigning Tic-Tac-Toe is a drastic overhaul of the social interaction and emerging concepts we talked about in class. For my new game of TTT players are rewarded with rules they get to make up for their opponent that they must follow however annoying or malicious it may be. This makes the fun in interactions almost exclusively outside the game board (which is very hard to make exciting). You still have a goal in mind of winning the game but the real fun is in the short term successes of making your opponent do silly things. From play testing today I realize that from allowing you to make a rule only for your opponent could become progressively more humiliating and turn into almost a game of truth or dare. I have not decided if I want to allow for this type of play or just let people play the way they want to play however hardcore they want to make their rules. But working out some of the kinks today let me understand things I can change in my game to motivate players to win or just enjoy themselves while in game.

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