Sunday, July 19, 2015

Mind Mapping: Experience-inducing objects

When creating my mind maps, three experiences that I kept coming back to are the experience of surprise, discomfort/disgust, and sadness. The reasoning as to why I kept coming back to these three are the fact that they seemed to me experiences that most people have and these experiences are more consistent in their effects on people (this observation may be due to my pessimistic views, but I digress). Although experiences such as joy and happiness are shared by a majority of people, the variety of differing ways in which such an experience comes about makes it really hard to make it consistent and predictable. For instance, I am a fan of dogs, but I know a lot of people who hate dogs. Others like babies, but I generally don't like babies. However, if there was a video showing a dog being neglected or a baby getting hurt, 9/10 people would be saddened by that. As such, in order to appeal to a greater audience, although it may not be pleasing (surprises can be fun though), I think these experiences are ones worth pursuing. With that said, I have not entirely thought of what kind of objects to create, but some ideas that have come to mind are as follows:

For surprises, be it positive or negative, they stem from the sudden transition from the unknown to the known, coming from ignorance to insight. This is commonly seen in a variety of scenarios, but it is triggered once something unpredicted or not foreseen is revealed to the person, thus causing the surprise. One possible concept I had in mind is something similar to a jack-in-the-box where although one comes to expect something to come from the box, the anticipation and the unknown of when the toy will pop out provides the surprise experience. Another idea I had for surprises is a sort of pop-up book or something which kind of jumps out at the participant, but I'm still not sure what exactly I want to do for that.

For discomfort/disgust there are also many avenues to take for this approach. However, something that most people find disgusting are things relating to the body or bodily functions, which all people experience in one shape or another. These stem from things such as farting or burping which produce odors which tend to be revolting to things such as sneezing and coughing. Even things such as blood and organs are often times seen as gross or disgusting, especially when presented in a scenario which is outside that of normal circumstances. I have not found an object in which I can possibly make use of this experience yet, but I may try to incorporate bugs as well, as bugs are often viewed as gross and disgusting.

Finally, the last experience I want to experiment with is sadness, which is along with happiness one of the most common, if not the most common emotion shared among people. There are many things that can trigger sadness, but they all generally stem from the loss of something of value or importance. This ranges from physical loss such the losing of a precious memento or item to death, or even to the more abstract, such as losing in a game. For this, I was thinking of possibly making a journal or short story which depicts a saddening scenario or something along those lines.

All in all, I still have no clue what kind of objects I want to make :(

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