Sunday, July 19, 2015

mind mapping

I have some previous experience with mind mapping because I learned about it in my color&comp class earlier in the year, albeit, I haven't used it since, it's still a useful technique for when you're having a creativity block, which happens frequently. 
I know that I want to do something a bit twisted and create a response of "what the heck."

I'm going to link one of my favorite videos because not only do I just like it a lot, but it tends to create the sort of reaction that I am looking for:

This brings up the point of how Dominic stated that we can take a normal object that people are familiar with, and mess with it in some way to create a response of shock or curiosity, or whatever. 

So from my mind mapping, I did it a little differently.
I wanted to take everyday objects/well known things and add an unexpected twist to them.

1. I really want to do this one. To create an object of utter shock. Basically a  cutely wrapped gift box with a bow. Very inviting to open because of the presentation of the gift. However, once you open it, there will be an assortment of organs or something that's completely not expected and somewhat disturbing. THe fact that the box looked so inviting yet the object is just the opposite goes against the person's expectations and can cause a feeling of fear/disturbed.
box like this

2. A photo album that looks lovingly put together with sentimental value plastered all over it. As the person opens the book, it looks normal, but as they progress further into the album, the images start to depict a person losing their sanity, or spiraling into their own depression. Or something like that... The twist is that the cover of the book has a mirror depicting that it could be anybody, but looking at the cover would indicate that it is the reader. And the images in the book would have the heads cut out to keep the identity ambiguous. I wanted the meaning to be a bit deeper, so having the book have an ambiguous identity would create a sense of unease and may affect the user in a negative way, showing that it's an actual possibility of who they can become, even if the chance of that is extremely minute. 

3. I honestly can't think of a great third idea. So this would be a very last chance throw away that I don't really actually like. Another object that tickle's a person's curiosity would be a cage. A small one. Like a hamster cage. At least in my case, if I see a cage, I want to see what is inside because I really like animals. And this would probably be the same case for those who share my same interest. But once you take a close look at the cage, the newspaper that makes the bedding of the cage would be made of phrases that aren't very pleasant. Something disturbing of the sort, like headlines of murders or something...

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