I honestly really struggled trying to find a new and innovative way to make Tic Tac Toe fun AND to make a playable demo for Monday.
I tried working off of a game where you take a piece of gridpaper and you and another player draw a line between 2 dots. When one person makes a square, they write their initials in the square and it counts as a point for them. The game continues until all the area has been claimed.
But unfortunately, that didn't really go anywhere.
What I ended up doing was combining two different games, Tic Tac Toe, and Hangman.
The rules are essentially the same. Both players come up with a word (of equal length) for a game of hangman. At the same time, there is a single game of TTT going on. If one player guesses a letter right, they get to place down a move on tic tac toe.
I also thought about the idea of "if a player guesses a letter wrong, the other player gets to put their move on TTT down" but I felt like this would move the game too fast.
I'm also considering using a 4x4 grid of TTT and making it 4 in a row, just to elongate the game and make the Hang man aspect last longer.
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