Monday, July 20, 2015

Mind mapping

I decided to go with two different experiences I want people to feel, since out of the three we thought up of from last week these were the two that I felt like I most wanted to induce. The first is an unnerving, goosebump-giving experience, and the second is something that should make your eyes open wide, make you sit up straight in your seat, something that makes you go "woaahhhhh..." from amazement/wonder. I wanted someone else to experience these two different types of feelings mostly because I enjoy feeling them myself, and it's not very often that something gives you goosebumps or amazes you enough for you to let out that "woaahhhhh..."

During the mind mapping for these two I had a little trouble, mostly because some of the activities I came up with for step two of the "wonder" experience were subjective and it felt like they were so embodied in the experience itself  that it seemed a little impossible to bottle it up that experience into object form. But in the end I came up with some sort of fairy tale based treasure map for the wonder experience, and a love letter / help me note and a dark, cramped room with periodic creepy sounds for the goosebump experience. I ended up choosing a "hearing music/strange sounds in the dark" step two to match the goosebump experience, which led me to think of more sounds than concrete objects, and then I thought "why not have a dark room where all those sounds could be heard? mwahaha.."

But yep looking forward to hearing everyone else's object concepts!


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