Monday, July 20, 2015

My Calling Card Dilemma

I have 3 emotions or experiences that are particularly intriguing to me. They are intriguing to me because they influence my favorite works of media and can take forms that you might never expect

1. Euphoria
2. Cerebral
3. Beauty & Appreciation

Euphoria is a very tricky emotion to pin down because it is very hard to self induce and everyone who has euphoric responses have different triggers. For me it is an abstraction of immersion where a loss of immersion of immediate surroundings is replaced with immersion of substantial emotion or happiness. It can be as simple as listening to music or as prestigious as being at the top of the world. For me things like laying in the snow, sitting on the beach at sunset, or listening to mellow music at late hours can induce waves of euphoria but if you consciously try to self-replicate, it does not always work.

My favorite movies, games, and narratives are those that make you think, rather than mindless fun (which can be great too). A movie I like is Memento. Memento is a movie that is shown in scenes of reverse order and the protagonist (maybe antagonist?) suffers from very short term memory loss. The movie is so open to interpretation that there is almost nothing certain about the movie because the main character suffers from this affliction. Cerebral media that is guided but somewhat ambiguous and thought provoking is something I want to replicate in a narrative somehow.

People can find beauty in oddest things. Everyone has a different interpretation of beauty. Beauty and appreciation go hand in hand for me. I think if people saw more beauty in things they don't always think of as beautiful (say art vs. video games), they would find more appreciation for what is actually happening in front of them. I want to hone in on this emotion of appreciating things that maybe you never appreciated before or are not expected to appreciate.

These are all really tricky to create objects for however. I still am waiting for something to come to mind

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