Sunday, July 28, 2013

Test Results

So the run of my experiential object turned out better than I expected. I knew I wanted to employ a box. I originally wanted to tell a story somehow using a mystery box. I then decided that I wanted to be a little more mischievous but still provide a reward at the end for the player. I wanted to have a little fun, not be mean. The problem I did run into was of how to connect Point A to Point C. Thanks to my wonderful husband, who has experience with game mechanics, I decided upon using puzzle pieces to create an image that would determine the outcome of the experience.

I provided an unmarked, ordinary box. I shook it and caused a rattling sound to get the player(s) to believe that there was something inside for them. When they open it there is in actuality nothing inside except for a secret compartment in the lid that holds an object to create the rattling sound. Attached to the underside of the lid (even though it actually fell off) was the first piece of a puzzle with a clue attached that prompted a search for additional pieces. I sent the player(s) off to six other locations to find the rest of the pieces. The last piece sent the player(s) back to the starting point in order to piece together what would be a map of the room with the location of the prize. Skittles were had by all.

Since the entire class was involved, it turned into a collaboration to figure out what each clue meant. I set each clue up utilizing each floor of the art building and distinct landmarks. Doing this allowed different people to provide their own insight and experiences to the search, since not everyone might have known about most of the those locations.

I do regret that I lowered the difficulty level and pushed the search along. If there had been more class time left and if I hadn't had to hurry to a midterm, I would have let things progress as I had intended. But I do feel that there was some enjoyment derived from it.

Another lesson I learned is to listen to the instructor when he says not to start from scratch. I chose to build my own box because it was a chance for me to be crafty and build something with my own hands, something I enjoy. However, it expended a lot of my energy and occupied a lot of my time: something that I had to split between three classes that week.
Box and lid with secret compartment


The trick

One of 6 locations

One of 6 locations

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