Sunday, July 28, 2013

Mystery Box

On Wednesday I presented my project which consisted of having a volunteer place their hand into a closed box in attempt to find an object while there are other haphazard objects conspicuously placed inside the box (Mostly Swedish Fish). The goal of this project was to invoke a form of shock value with the participants, each segment of the box contained various materials to simulate a different feel, sand, grass, etc. As far as the project itself went, I somewhat surprised that it turned out as hilarious as it did. Some points were made about ways that I could have improved my project, many of them valid, one of the biggest suggestions was to have used a different design for the box to give it a more ominous look to it increasing the suspense, and to have given a greater impression that whatever was inside may have been possibly living. In fact I could have possibly put something living albeit harmless inside. Also, it would probably have been a good idea to have utilized a form of sound somehow to further give the impression that something living could of been in there. Overall I still felt the experiment went very well and am eager to see the rest of the presentations on Monday.

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