Sunday, July 7, 2013


This game is great if you love to be scared. I've played a lot of "scary games" that ultimately left me laughing or yawning. While the entire game isn't scary, there are definitely several point which reach a bone chilling climax that breeds nightmares the following night.

This game includes an accumulation of puzzles required in order to advance. The puzzles all have different difficulty levels, sometimes very obvious and other times requiring one to retrace their steps carefully several times. Ultimately the main puzzle involves collecting clues that solves the entire game.

There isn't much customization, which doesn't really matter since the game isn't focused on the main character (the game is in first person view, so it's really trying to portray you as actually being the one in the game).

There is a ton of discovery. You literally start the game as you had amnesia. You only seem to know you're name, but you don't know where you are or why you're there. As the game progresses, you slowly gain more and more clues that leads to discovering the answers to all of your questions. The game is pretty much set as a linear storyline without much ability to venture outside of the main "track," but as you move on you continually discover new places, rooms, and components to the castle and game.

You don't have any form of currency, but you do have a very unusual constraint which consists of your heart beat. The faster your heartbeat becomes, the more disoriented your character becomes. As your character becomes disoriented, it corrupts and interferes with the character's vision making it hard to see the game and the character slows down. Therefore, you must try to avoid "monsters" and things that will scare you. You constantly have to run away from things.

Sometimes there are time constraints, such as having to pick up body limbs laying around to feed to the invisible monsters in the water and solve a puzzle in the room to open a gate while they are distracted. It can be very nerve wracking at times. At other times you're frantically trying to avoid being squashed by a boulder.

As for winning, the only battle in the game seems to be the final "boss fight" at the end where you try to knock down pillars and objects onto the floating character. There is no magic spells or weapon fighting though. The rest of the game is completely devoid of battles. Reaching the end is pretty much winning the game showing that you have managed to survive this hellish place.

There is a ton of risk taking. Every action you do is a risk, especially when trying to figure out a puzzle and having to try different things to solve it. Sometimes it takes several attempts to solve a challenge or puzzle.

Skill use includes solving puzzles, Strategy solving, decision making, and hand/eye coordination.

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