Sunday, July 10, 2011

Wednesday Class

Hello! I've had some questions about what we did on Wednesday so I'll fill anyone interested who wasn't there!
Firstly, we all were required to bring in 3 rules to incorporate into a game of "Life". The rules we had to come up with had to involve how an object of the game maneuvered around the board, how it duplicated/populated itself within the game, and how it killed opponents. When we assembled together for Wednesday, we combined our rules together to make one game; this is where the fun happened! My favorite game was the one created by Matt and Celeste involving cats, mice, and dogs. Each animal had it's own set of rules to abide by throughout game play, and once the players understood the rules, it was fun to see the game turn into a living organism.

I thought this was a really interesting exercise that allowed individuals to explore another intriguing aspect of game play where the smallest selection of restrictions can drastically alter how both people interact with the game and how individual pieces of the game function. Something to consider for Monday??

As for Monday, we'll be splitting into groups and devising a method in which to move an object from one point of campus to another. Monday will only involve us planning, and Wednesday will be the day we implement.

LOOKING FORWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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