Saturday, July 2, 2011

Wednesday Fun!

When I heard that we were going to play "The Settlers of Catan" last Wednesday, the first thing that popped into my head was of Chris Kattan (tumblr_lj0hw7qjyd1qetts3o1_400.jpg) formerly of SNL! I've never actually played the game before so I was kind of just going off the image in my head, which turned out to be very inaccurate.
But anyway... when Wednesday rolled around and we all started to hear about the wonders of Catan, I was really confused. I mean I was just lost in the rules so much that I just decided to just go along with whatever comes along. But after a few rounds of sheep collecting and road building, I got pretty into it. I think the most fun was haggling with the other teams and acting like having a brick, stone, and wood would just complete our lives as settlers.
Overall, Settlers of Catan is a fun game and I hope we play again!

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