Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Team Swashbucklers Reflection (Kelly Wright)

Though our strategy was simple, a lot of work went into the visual design and overall theme. Lindsay had a very elaborate pirate costume, and using treasure chests as intermediary prizes was a great idea. The roles for each person were well-thought out, and the only worry we had was that the person at the start (Lindsay) and at the end (me) would have no way to communicate. This ended up not being a problem because we didn't get a bite. The random person that participated with the Mariokart group almost went for us first, approaching the sign I had attached to the final treasure that read something like: "Want to find out what's in the box? Meet the captain at the Northeast corner of Red Square!" I guess it was much more convenient to save time and start the game closer to her. I hoped that our efforts to look like 'authentic' pirates, coupled with the mystery of the multiple mystery treasures, would be enough to give us a shot.

It was not easy attracting a person from my end. I don't think I saw any more than ten people cross my path the entire time I was guarding the treasure. Just about all of them were students or parents of students waiting to begin orientation, and obviously they would not have wanted to break away from that to play the game.
I really wasn't sure exactly what I might be able to get away with in terms of leading participants my way, and although I was sitting there in a pirate costume with a large treasure chest, I blame myself for not trying harder to get attention. I watched helplessly as the winning team began their journey right in front of my eyes. A couple people have said that our sign was too long to read, but I know how badly Lindsay wanted to win this thing, so whatever the reason was, it could not have been due to a lack of enthusiasm on her part. We were all prepared to get moving... we just needed that first bite and it would be all over for the other teams. If I were to try it again I might make myself more animated for our audience. It kills me that I might have stolen Mariocart's participant.

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