Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Team Sconado! Project review

Team Sconado!

Group members:

Initial set up:
1 Team logo sign at Home-base
1 soccer ball
1 whistle
3 referee-like outfits
2 cones
4 signs ("Dribble the ball", "Carry the ball", "Up the stairs", and "Across the street").

Home Base
Pre-game show
Helpful signs "Up the Stairs" and "Across the Street"

Game Play:
Game started at 10:00 am.
Participant joined at 10:02 am.
Number of participants: six total (4 females, 2 males).
Passed 2 flags - One in Group 4's territory and one in Red Square.
Game finished at 10:09 am.

Tyler guiding victims down the path to the ball (cones/goal post across the street)

This man did not help us but we got his picture anyway.

Flag one! (That stick-like figure at the bottom right).

Non-verbal "Thank you" to a participant.

He left his daughter to bring our ball across the street and up the stairs.

Ball makes it to Red Square. (Turns out there was a flag at the very right edge of this picture).

A lot of whistle-blowing.

She ran past with the ball in her hand but she was so fast we missed her in the picture (you'll just have to trust us).

Carry the ball up the stairs to the finish line!


10:09 am on Wednesday, August 14, 2013.
We had hoped to be able to easily grab many different people along the way from home-base to home-base to throw/kick the ball once and pass it on. It ended up being easier (particularly at 10am in the morning) to have one person be able to bring the ball further because there was no one else around for them to pass it to. Had this taken place around 2pm this might have been different and people might have been more likely to pass the ball off to another person. We wanted it to seem more spontaneous, (and it turned out to work better without the referee outfits on our trial run before the challenge), as if we were "just those guys with the soccer ball", and not seem like "some sort of improvisation art". We had initially wanted a goal post/cones that we could move to ensure the ball had a goal for each person (once the realization that 10am in the morning doesn't have enough passers-by to pass off from one person to the next), but there was confusion as to who would bring the cones, and we were without them on challenge-day. Fortunately we had enough signs and tape to create our own cones very quickly before the start of the game. Unfortunately we ended up not needing them past the first person because people were more happy to pick up and run with the soccer ball than to try to dribble it from location to location. The whistle was good to attract attention, but as I have previously stated the game would have had more volunteers had it been played later in the day. On the downside, we were very lucky to have found the flags because all three of the group mates had come into class just late enough to have not seen what the flags looked like, thus were unsure whether the other team's cones were flags, or if there were hidden flags in plain sight. If we could do it again we would want to definitely start later in the day, have a different ball rather than a soccer ball (since people preferred picking it up to kicking it), and would have made it to class on time to be able to see the flags previously and been able to pick them out quicker (we had just missed one that was very close to us without realizing it).

Thanks to Dominic for making this project possible, Tyler for providing the idea, the ball and color-coding his shirt with his shoes, Zixing for creating the signs and providing the time, and Cassaundra for providing the whistle, and photographing/documenting the event. We hope to see you all around campus!

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