Monday, August 19, 2013

Team 2: Sharknado

First participant joined at 10:02 am. Game finished at 10:09 am

Team members:

Soccer ball

Additional Props:
Goal posts
Premade signs

The Game:
Hail over pedestrians and have them kick the soccer ball a certain distance and pass along the ball to different people
As our homebase was set somewhere rather secluded, it took a while for someone willing to be able to launch the ball out of the court. We dropped the goalpost idea in favor of letting participants carry or dribble the bar as far as they were willing. This allowed for fewer participants but faster progress.
 Our third participant
 Our fourth participant
 Whistling over people
 Our final participant

Things we could have improved:
We planned to have goal posts so participants could have a short end goal and so the task didn't seem so long winded and wouldn't take too much from their schedule. However, the first half of the campus we needed to cross was rather secluded and it was difficult even getting the first few people to help us. The game changed as we were playing it in order to suit our needs.

The execution and details of our game changed so much from planning phase to the final product that while we were trying to account for roadblocks such as people kicking the ball back to us, we didn't factor in that people would be annoyed by being whistled at. We had experienced moderate success on our test day, just kicking the ball to people at Red Square without the whistle or sports getup. But overall, our changes to the game as it went and enthusiasm attracted players to our cause allowed us to come in with the second fastest time.

-Zixing Guo

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