Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Group #2 Swashbucklers Project Reflection


Our Objective: For our assignment we went with the theme of pirates, the objective of our group was to have a pirate hat (our object) moved from one side of campus to the other. Our team dressed up as pirates and created a sign to attract possible participants. The player would have to wear the hat and have it moved to the other teams flag. In order to motivate our participant to capture the flags placed around the campus we placed miniature treasure boxes with plastic gold coins, and at our finishing point was our main chest filled with various objects from each team member. Each team member filled a specific role as listed below:

Lindsay- Main Pirate Captain/Main Sign Holder/Leader of Object
Kelly- Final Treasure Guardian
James- Camera man & backup sign holder 
Zach- Flag guardian & backup sign holder 

So to be perfectly frank our project was basically a disaster as far as the execution went, and there are a number of factors to consider why it did. But basically I feel one of the largest contributors was the whole pirate theme, not to say that it wasn't a good idea but as the project progressed and watching the results of other teams it became somewhat apparent that pirates are perhaps more passe and unattractive than our team may have realized. Another factor that probably weighed us down was the location, again not to say that it was a bad decision but as per our theme it began to feel like we would have had more luck trying to attract much younger participants than college students and adults who obviously had more pressing matters to attend to (This theory I feel is further enforced by the fact that as we headed to our home base we passed a group of kids who seemed very intrigued by our costumes). It was a shame that no one in a younger age group passed by our home base. It also seemed that our method of attraction might have also been flawed the sign we had may have been too long and people simply might not have had time to read it, were it shorted I feel we may have had a much higher success ratio. And there was also the sheer factor of luck which simply did not apply to our team that day. 
Once we finally did get a participant things went a lot smoother the course ran approximately 8 minutes and our participant executed their role perfectly. This did bring forth the realization that there was not a problem with the game itself but simply the execution of getting a participant in a timely manner.
The biggest changes that would affect our game if we tried it again would have to be a different theme that might be more appealing, something that perhaps should have been researched beforehand. And a smaller sign that would be shot sweet and to the point would likely be a good idea. I didn't feel there was a problem with our location as we had a wide variety of people passing by who mostly just seemed to be uncomfortable with participating.
Overall there's a ton of things I felt could have gone better with this assignment there were no issues as far as team mates and each members contribution went or in the actual course of the project and planning was fine. It basically was a matter of luck, theme, and even timing, and many of these things unfortunately did not apply to our team.

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