Friday, August 21, 2015

Team None of ya business final group post

The Game:

Our game was a zombie run. Although we were not as successful as we would have hoped we had a lot of fun creating an interactive narrative for complete strangers. We enticed people to play our game by having intriguing costumes and props. We created a map and hand-written notes to set the narrative of a melancholy, overrun landscape where nowhere felt safe. The runner carried a metal briefcase, our “object”, which supposedly contained the cure to the zombie virus. Miles was the “survivor escort” who guided the recruited runner past the flag checkpoints and ultimately to the goal. On the day of the event, we got three zombies, Kristen and two of her friends, to chase a runner that Miles recruited. Kristen did the makeup of the zombies and it even scared a bystander while she was hiding in the bushes!

We all had a lot of different ideas about how we wanted to go about doing this project. Jack initially wanted to go with something simple, such as a variety of signs that just directed people. Miles wanted to go with a Pokemon theme, and a few other ideas got thrown around like chasing donuts, being pirates, or pretending we were the secret service.
While we originally wanted to go for a Pokemon theme, in the end we decided on a zombie theme instead. It actually worked really well. Kristen organized a Facebook page for a “top secret game” to draw people to the event and get some zombie volunteers.

We had a few issues, like deciding on a theme and trying to meet outside of class with our conflicting schedules. However our biggest issue was trying to find a runner. We had a runner planned to show up at the event with no information on her role, but she canceled on us at midnight the day of the event. That was really the only thing that went poorly, and other than that it worked quite well. Although he was easily recognizable as a zombie survivor, Miles had a game-breaking issue convincing someone to participate. As Dominic had mentioned during the race, our makeup may have been a bit too realistic and scared off some potential volunteers. Kristen gave Miles a neck wound to help explain his lack of speech and it may have scared some people. However, when we finally did get a runner, he and Miles ran the course very quickly. All in all, despite coming in last place time-wise, this was a very fun final project and we had a blast with it!

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