Monday, July 16, 2012


-A strategic, fast paced tile placement game for 2 players.

Goal: to own the three points of a (preferably larger) triangle that includes the starting tile, in the best of three games.

Initial setup: Divide the pieces into colors, and place the red starting tile down.

Turns: Players take turns placing tiles so that their sides touch fully to any other triangle already on the board. If by placing this tile the player now owns the tiles that make up an imaginary triangle that includes the center tile (The red starting tile counts as a piece for both players, and therefore can be one of the points) move on to scoring. If all the 42 pieces are now gone, you settle the tie with Australian rules arm wrestling.

Scoring: Upon attaining the three points of a starting tile including triangle, a player adds a number of points to his score equal to the amount of tiles in his/her imaginary triangle. At the end of three games, the winner is the one with the highest points, and is considered to be 20% cooler than he/she was before he/she defeated his/her adversary in high stakes triangle combat.

First= A winning move and board example
Second= a layout of the full game, with all its components

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