Friday, June 24, 2011

Numero Uno

Hopefully I'm not the first to post.. I'm getting used to this extensive blogging technology. So extensive.. so advanced.

Tic Tac Toe Projecto is running smoothly thus far. Allen and I had a rather productive evening at our nearby U Village Starbucks discussing the underlying rules and tribulations of our new, life size, Tic Tac Toe meets Battle Ship meets Ultimate Frisbee game. It's sure to be a interesting twist on the originally tepid time waster once played while waiting for meals at restaurants. Our variation challenges the player's involved in intellectual strategy as well as physical ability. The traditional X's and O's are still the main symbols (unless a third or fourth party is involved.. more on that come Sunday) but getting these symbols in a row is only the half of it. Players must make it to the opposite end of their corner without being outdone by their team member using throwable X's and O's as their only form of navigation within the constrained playing field. Players meander through the space by placing the symbols within the boundaries in hopes of creating an effective bridge to their destination; however, players have the ability to disconnect opposing team member's bridges thus impeding (and hopefully outdoing) their opponent's ability to reach the other side.

Problems are sure to surface when we bring this game to life. So far, Allen and I have only tried this game on paper, surely the physical world will shed light on some loose ends.

This version of Tic Tac Toe may seem like a deviation from the original game. It involves far more physical exertion, projectile objects, potentially 2-4 players, and a much larger space for play. Nevertheless, I feel it stays true to the foundations of the original game through it's symbols and objective of maintaining a certain amount of these symbols in a row. What are your opinions? Should this game stay within the original realms of Tic Tac Toe in terms of being played on paper or should we consider the alternative of making it entirely interactive?

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